Our clients emphasize that LMI is the only technology partner that can provide fact sheet management, record collection, medical record review, and data analytics and reporting all in one, secure platform. We pride ourselves on providing leading technology solutions with the highest security measures to protect your data and reputation.

Innovative Proprietary Software
LMI's suite of proprietary software is maintained by a full-time, in-house staff of developers. Our technology implements biometrics, encryption, and tokens to provide and maintain the highest security standards.

Technology-Assisted Document Categorization, Data Capture, and Injury Verification
All data and documents are processed through LMI's propriety imaging system to produce highly standardized PDF documents compatible with all PDF readers.
Optical Character Recognition engines are used to process all documents to produce text-searchable PDF's. The document text is extracted into a full-text database providing complex term searches across an entire range of documents.

Legal Data Security Commitment
Data is housed on centralized storage owned and managed by LMI in a data center secured by a locked cage and badge entry.
Data is encrypted both at rest and in transit. That data is limited to only users with defined authorized access.
LMI is subject to routine security audits by our Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 clients.
LMI hosting environment is:
- HIPAA Hi-Tech
- IRS 1075
- SSAE 16 SOC Third-Party Audited
- FEROA and PCI Compliant
- E-Rate Certified